
Black Friday’s global rise: strategies for mobile app success in 2024

By David Kleczewski

With Black Friday 2024 right around the corner, mobile app marketers have a chance to build on the trends from 2023, a year that saw consumer spending take off thanks to the economic recovery and a big boost in user acquisition (UA). Here’s a quick look at some of the main takeaways from last year’s big shopping day that we’ll dive into:

  • The Black Friday impact in 2023 outpaced 2022, and we’ll break down how that’s measured.
  • Economic recovery and a major UA push on iOS were major drivers behind Black Friday 2023, as seen in the November year-over-year comparison.
  • Black Friday is no longer just a Western event—it’s gone global.
  • Starting UA activity earlier and then following up with remarketing has become a key strategy.
  • The use of owned media was a crucial part of Black Friday strategies.
  • Remarketing had an increased impact during Cyber Monday, with stronger performance in remarketing compared to paid installs in key markets.

*Data from US, UK, FR, DE

The Black Friday effect: even stronger in 2023

Strong in 2022, strongest in 2023: our data show clear spikes in user spending on November 24, across the US, UK, France, and Germany. Black Friday 2023 brought in 60% more revenue on Android in the US compared with the daily average for November. This was a significant improvement from 2022, when the increase was 48%. The Black Friday impact remains very high and stable on iOS, with average revenues almost 70% higher on both Fridays 2022 and 2023, compared with the averages for November 2022 and 2023 respectively.

Global Black Friday boom: healthy growth across the board

It should also be noted that Black Friday 2023 was buoyed by a general context of economic recovery in Western countries, with a solid year-over-year growth on both Android and iOS, with the former leading with a 31% YoY jump in in-app purchase (IAP) revenue, while the latter followed with a 20% increase.

*Data from US, UK, FR, DE

And that’s not the only metric positively impacted. November 2023 also saw a big increase in the share of paying users, with Android up 30% and iOS growing by 9% year over year. iOS still leads when it comes to the actual number —  9% vs. 6.5% on Android — but the gap between the two platforms started to close a bit in 2023.

On the paid install  front, the overall user base expanded significantly, with iOS seeing a huge influx of users. A massive push from Asian apps boosted user acquisition on iOS, with paid installs more than doubling (+103%) YoY. Android’s 26% growth followed the typical seasonality patterns tied to the economic recovery.

Geographic insights: US, Western Europe, and beyond

These trends, however, didn’t play out the same way across all regions. In Western Europe (UK, Germany, and France), Android apps saw a more pronounced Black Friday effect than in the US, with higher consumer spend and better results from owned media (mainly email, push notifications, and in-app messages).

And, overall, marketers should note that Black Friday is not just a  Western event but also aglobal phenomenon driving strong consumer interest across major economies and opening up opportunities for mobile apps. Brazil and India, in particular, are key markets showing strong Black Friday boosts.

In India, IAP revenue on Black Friday was 19% higher than the November daily average, with India’s iPhone users particularly responsive, driving iOS purchases up 43%. Android IAP also increased, albeit more modestly, with a 12% boost. Additionally, remarketing conversions were notably higher, reaching 28% above the daily average. Brazil saw an even more dramatic increase, with IAP figures skyrocketing 183% above the November average, up from 172% in 2022. NOI grew by 42%, while remarketing conversions outpaced the November daily average by 38%.

User acquisition vs. remarketing: it’s all about timing

While nailing the right media mix matters, timing is everything. Marketers should invest in UA early to build their install base, then pivot to remarketing for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This approach not only helps maximize the value of each user but also ensures that you’re reaching potential buyers when they are most likely to convert. We saw this play out clearly in 2023. On a yearly scale, especially in Q2 and Q3, there was a strong push for user acquisition on iOS, largely driven by Asian apps. This helped marketers build a solid base of new installs leading up to the holiday season. Then, as November arrived, remarketing became the focus, with conversions peaking throughout the month.

*Data from US, UK, FR, DE

On Black Friday proper, a similar mechanism is at play: paid installs were up 28% in the US and 13% in Western markets compared to the daily November average. But, meanwhile, remarketing soared—up 49% in the US and 43% in Western markets—proving it’s the leading driver for holiday sales success, when it far outpaced user acquisition.

An extra benefit: Kicking off UA campaigns earlier in the year, when CPI is lower, gives marketers a more cost-effective base for remarketing later.

Strategy shift: owned vs. paid media

But regardless of geography, there was one clear takeaway from last year’s Black Friday: Owned media is key. Marketers on Black Friday should take advantage of  owned media channels whose impact was substantial . On Android, owned media drove 78% more revenue during Black Friday 2023 than in 2022.

Similarly, iOS also saw stronger revenue growth from owned media on Black Friday 2023. However, unlike Android, both owned and paid media were activated more during Black Friday compared with 2022. For marketers, this presents a prime opportunity: activate owned media heavily during Black Friday while also supporting it with targeted paid campaigns. Owned media can keep users engaged beyond Black Friday, extending through Cyber Monday and into the lead-up to Christmas.

Remarketing drives Cyber Monday growth in 2023

Unlike Black Friday, Cyber Monday (CM) is still arguably a bigger deal in Western countries, whereas we saw less of an impact in major markets such as India and Brazil. Over all, CM 2023 did manage to outshine CM 2022, thanks to a generally stronger year overall. But when we dig a little deeper into how it played out compared to November, things get more interesting.

*Industry level

The biggest wins came from remarketing, with Cyber Monday 2023 seeing a 32% jump in remarketing conversions, up from 23% in 2022. This really shows how important remarketing has become for both Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Interestingly, the split between Paid and Owned media didn’t make much of a difference on Cyber Monday. Meanwhile, revenue growth was strongest on Android in Western Europe and the US, with iOS staying steady.

Optimizing remarketing time: when to engage post-install

We’ve covered the timing for user acquisition versus remarketing, and the use of relevant channels (owned or paid). Let’s look into when to re-engage users after they’ve installed an app.

Remarketing should be activated within the first week post-install. That’s because most conversions for Black Friday in 2023 occurred within this period. On average, users made their first in-app purchase 3.6 days after installing an app, with 40% of conversions happening on the first day and over 75% within the first week. Activating remarketing campaigns immediately after installs allows marketers to capitalize on the short window when users are most likely to convert.

Not only can remarketing drive first-time buyers, but it is also effective for loyal users. Segmented campaigns can push high-value users toward additional purchases or engagement during Black Friday, maximizing overall app revenue.

Of course, the holiday season doesn’t end with Cyber Monday. Marketers should continue to engage users through December, using the momentum from Black Friday to maintain higher levels of spending and app engagement. In-app promotions, special deals, and holiday-themed campaigns can keep users engaged throughout the final quarter of the year, creating additional revenue opportunities.

Takeaways for Black Friday 2024

  • What was once a primarily US-based event has become a global phenomenon, driving substantial rises in consumer spending across markets worldwide.
  • For 2024, the path forward is clear: early UA campaigns lay the groundwork, while targeted remarketing efforts during Black Friday itself deliver maximum conversions.
  • Owned media, particularly on Android, continues to be a cost-effective way to engage users and boost revenue.
  • Focus on the first week post install to convert as many installers as possible

David Kleczewski

David is a member of the Global Content Strategy & Market Insights at AppsFlyer. A former journalist and university lecturer, he specializes in the interpretation and visualization of marketing, social and electoral data.
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