Introducing App Measurement
Yael Bixon is a host of exceptional ability. Studies show that a vast...
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In-Person Event
AppsFlyer MLB Tokyo Series
We look forward to seeing you there!
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Optimize Creative, Maximize Impact
데이터 기반 크리에이티브 최적화로 광고 성과를 극대화하세요. 광고 성과를 극대화하는 인사이트와 최신 트렌...
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In-Person Event
MAMA Manila 2025
2024 will be the most exciting MAMA yet, with programming designed to connect...
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AppsFlyer 产品专家课:2 月 20 日下午,带你破解广告作弊,提升投放效率
In-person event
MAMA San Francisco 2025
AppsFlyer proudly presents the content from MAMA San Francisco 2025, an exclusive marketing event where over 400+ industry leaders came together to ex...
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위기를 기회로, 파이어베이스 다이나믹 링크 서비스 중단에 대비하기
본 웨비나에서는 다이나믹 링크의 지원 종료에 대비하고, 마이그레이션 이후 어떤 부분이 달라지는지 소개합니...
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SKAN industry benchmarks & best practices
This webinar, co-hosted by AppsFlyer and Moloco, breaks down how various industries are tackling these questions and offers practical advice on buildi...
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Retargeting strategies for app growth during the promo season
In this webinar, experts from AppsFlyer and RTB House covered the impact of promo season on in-app spending in key EMEA markets, the...
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2025年8月にダイナミックリンク(Firebase Dynamic Links)のサービス終了が予定されている中、移行先の検討を進める...
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5 things to look for in your Firebase Dynamic Links alternative
In this webinar, we cover the critical considerations for replacing Firebase Dynamic Links with the deep linking solution that’s best for you.
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Um Novo Campo de Jogo: Mobile App para Bets
Nesse webinar, exploramos o panorama do mercado de apostas esportivas no Brasil, particularmente em vista da futura regulamentação desse setor por p...
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Conference / Tradeshow
Tech in Asia Conference
Tech in Asia Conference is an annual flagship event uniting thousands of tech enthusiasts from across Asia. The conference engages in a world...
Join us at Tech in Asia
The State of Gaming App Marketing - 2024 Edition
Explore mobile gaming growth opportunities and increase your LTV based on an analysis of $12.5 billion in ad spend from 15,000 games through...
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Playing in the Sandbox: A deep dive into the Attribution API
Since the Privacy Sandbox was announced, it’s become a key topic in mobile advertising, promising to change how we approach attribution, targeting, ...
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In-person event
MAMA Cyprus 2024
AppsFlyer proudly presents the content from MAMA Cyprus 2024 C-level marketing event, where over 150 leaders discussed the evolving landscape of mobil...
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AppsFlyer 产品专家课 | 隐私沙盒 (Sandbox) 归因与衡量解决方案重磅解析
随着隐私保护法规的不断演变,移动营销和衡量正经历重大变革。我们诚邀您参加 AppsFlyer 主办的网络研讨会活动...
TikTok & AppsFlyer SKAN 4.0 Webinar
Join our webinar to explore SKAN 4.0, master TikTok for mobile marketing, and learn to transition from SKAN 3.0 to SKAN 4.0. Plus,...
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Privacy Sandbox
Join us for a product-led webinar on the Privacy Sandbox and its impact on mobile ads.
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State of re-engagement and emerging trends
Learn how to perfect your re-engagement campaigns on iOS and Android.
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Use Creative, Be Creative
개인정보 사용에 대해 시스템 차원의 규제가 강화되면서 유저 단위 측정과 개인화 광고가 제한되고, 마케팅의 중...
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Navigating the impact of Android Privacy Sandbox for in-app
Discover new solutions your team can adopt to ensure both accurate measurement and enhanced user privacy.
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直击 SKAN 4.0:营销策略与归因配置详解
SKAN 4.0 推出近两年,苹果也在持续对其隐私措施进行调整、优化和更新。移动营销人员在逐渐适应 SKAN 带来变化的...
In-person event
掌握 W2A,开启流量增长新篇章
TikTok & AppsFlyer SKAN 4.0 Webinar
Our team in Japan is co-hosting a webinar with TikTok on SKAN 4.0, focusing on enhancements, transitioning from SKAN 3.0, and configuring the...
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In-person event
MAMA Hanoi 2024
For the first time ever, AppsFlyer proudly presents the esteemed global mobile marketing event MAMA to Vietnam, in the name of MAMA Hanoi....
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Boost Your App Growth by Mastering Web Campaigns
With over 200 million active websites compared to just 9 million apps, the web offers a tremendous opportunity to broaden your reach.
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In-person event
AI 赋能、隐私驱动:ChinaJoy 2024 游戏增长营销思享会
2024 进程过半,手游市场有什么趋势和洞察?隐私浪潮下,移动营销人员如何凭借数据、创意素材和投放策略实现...
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In-person event
L3V3L UP — ChinaJoy Party 2024
Join us for the most popular party in ChinaJoy. With the theme L3V3L UP, we will elevate your night!
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In-person event
Winning Together
변화의 파도에서 롱런하는 모바일 비즈니스 전략 잦은 플랫폼 정책의 변화와 더 빠르게 변화하는 유저의 마음, ...
In-person event
MAMA Singapore 2024
As the tech hub of Asia, we very excitedly brought the MAMA experience to Singapore. With a packed full day, the conference is...
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The state of ad creatives in app marketing
Learn about the ins and outs of creative optimization in our webinar. We’ll discuss what our AI has discovered by analyzing over 220,000 creat...
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"SKAN 4.0부터 시작하기"
SKAdNetwork을 이해하여 iOS 캠페인을 효율적으로 운영하고자 하는 고객사 분들을 위한 웨비나입니다
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In-person event
MAMA Goa 2024
MAMA Goa is an exclusive, invite-only gathering designed to convene top-tier executives from leading app businesses in India. This year the prestigiou...
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Conference / Tradeshow
Demystifying Data Clean Rooms
Join Sree Lakshmi, Head of Growth at AppsFlyer, as she delves into the intersection of privacy, marketing, and data analytics in the digital...
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Ask us anything: Single Source of Truth
Join AppsFlyer's SSOT Product team in a session to explore the evolution of SSOT since its release and ask us anything you'd like...
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AI-powered creative optimization
Use cases, best practices, and tips from early Creative Optimization adopters.
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In-person event
AI & Creative Optimization
Marju Sokman, AI expert, delivered an engaging session on leveraging AI tools for marketers.
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Scaling your business with Data Clean Rooms
Capitalize on the opportunities Data Clean Rooms provide for your data.
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Privacy Sandbox: A deep-dive into remarketing with Google and Adikteev
Everything to know about privacy-centric measurement ahead of Privacy Sandbox.
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Future Play: Unveiling tomorrow’s gaming landscape
We're joined by NZGDA and AWS to talk about the future of gaming.
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[앱스플라이어 X 미스트플레이] 게임사를 위한 글로벌 진출 앱 마케팅 전략 (게임 x 크리에이티브)
크리에이티브 최적화를 위한 마케터의 고민과 솔루션에 대해 알아보세요
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In-person event
MAMA Georgia 2023
Check out 13 sessions about data privacy, economic downturn, and generative AI.
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Subscription app insights for attracting & retaining customers
Learn how to capitalize on the surge in app subscriptions to generate revenue.
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Winning eCommerce strategies for 2023
Prepare for the holidays with an overview of 2023's journey for app marketers.
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In-person event
MAMA (Mobile Attribution & Marketing Analytics), São Paulo
2023 foi o ano da eficiência e, mais do que nunca, os profissionais de marketing estão buscando ferramentas que permitam que eles acesse...
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The future of marketing and measurement
A deep dive into Attribution API and Protected Audiences API with Google.
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Fireside chat: The future of measurement & marketing, Google and AppsFlyer
Get an exclusive peek behind the scenes of the creation of Privacy Sandbox.
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Cracking the code of WWDC 2023
We're breaking down highlights of WWDC 2023 including all privacy initiatives.
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Mastering iOS modeling for data insights
Find out why and how to approach iOS modeling like a pro.
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In-person event
Introducing Privacy Sandbox: Learnings from iOS to Android
Will the future of Android follow the same path as iOS?
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In-person event
MAMA is AppsFlyer’s proprietary event in the international mar-tech calendar.
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Mastering SKAdNetwork 4.0
Get answers to 7 burning questions about SKAdNetwork and become a SKAN master.
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[data.ai X 앱스플라이어] 모바일 게임 앱을 위한 마케팅 전략
전 세계 게임 앱 인스톨, UA 지출 현황, 수익화 모델 등의 다양한 데이터를 바탕으로 모바일 게임사를 위한 마케팅...
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State of mobile ad fraud and DIY fraud mitigation techniques
Learn some practical steps to mitigate fraud on your own.
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Championing iOS14+ for gaming apps
Learn about the impact of privacy on mobile gaming post-iOS14+ with Meta.
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How eCommerce apps can move up in a downturn
Practical strategies for retail app growth in 2023 from an eCommerce expert.
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Driving adoption of mobile for eCommerce and keeping users active
Learn why you need to build an app engagement and retention strategy.
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In-person event
Hard ROX Meetup
Learn how to maximize return on experience with AppsFlyer's OneLink.
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Мобильный гейминг в рецессию - Вебинар AppsFlyer и Liftoff
За прошлый год мобильные игры столкнулись со спадом IAP в 16%, а вот IAA показал значит...
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Optimizing creative in a downturn
Learn how to scale creative output with accurate measurement post-iOS 14.5.
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The biggest Connected TV (CTV) trends in 2023 and beyond
Find out why 98% of brands see CTV advertising growing past mobile.
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Conference / Tradeshow
9 must-see MAMA Cyprus talks
Get smarter about navigating mobile apps in the face of a recession.
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In-person event
MAMA Asia 2024
MAMA is AppsFlyer’s proprietary global thought leadership brand, and is simply one of the leading events in the international marketing-technology c...
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5 coisas que você deve buscar em uma alternativa aos Firebase Dynamic Links
Destaques: O que você encontra no vídeo: Nesse webinar, falamos sobre as principais considerações que você deve levar em conta na hora de...
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Apresentando o Privacy Sandbox: aprendizados do iOS ao Android
Principais destaques Qual é o conteúdo? A mensuração e o marketing estão mudando – mas não de modo isolado. Trabalhamos em um ecossistema...
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Women leading the privacy revolution
A discussion with female privacy leaders from AppsFlyer, Meta, Google, and eBay.
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まだ間に合う!SKAN 4.0を基礎から学ぶウェビナー
SKANの基本的な考え方からSKAN 4.0の対策方法など、さらに最新の業界インサイトを交えてお届けいたします。
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컨버전 스튜디오로 SKAN 제한 극복하기
iOS 14+ 측정 솔루션 활용법을 소개합니다.
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Conference / Tradeshow
프라이버시 강화를 직시하고 디지털 마케팅의 새 균형 잡기
프라이버시 시대에 퍼스트 파티 데이터 활용을 극대화하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다.
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프로드 예방에 대한 오해와 진실
프로드에 대한 이해를 돕고 프로드 방지 제품의 작동 원리 등을 공유합니다.
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에이전시를 위한 웨비나 시리즈 – 어트리뷰션 A to Z
모바일 어트리뷰션 및 마케팅 분석에 대해 1부터 10까지, 자세하게 안내드립니다.
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에이블리의 리타겟팅 오디언스 활용 전략
적절한 타겟팅을 통한 리마케팅 전략을 알아보세요.
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[앱스플라이어 x 구글] 오늘의집이 1400만 앱 다운로드를 이끌어낸 방법
국민 가구 절반이 사용하고 있는 오늘의집의 마케팅 전략을 알아보세요.
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[앱스플라이어 x Tableau] 앱 어트리뷰션 데이터 분석 플랫폼 구현하기
앱스플라이어와 태블로를 활용해 유저들의 행동 데이터를 빠르게 이해하고 비지니스 결과로 이어질 수 있도록 ...
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리테일 업계가 고객생애가치(LTV)를 극대화하는 방법
이커머스 앱을 위한 LTV 인사이트를 공유합니다.
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앱스플라이어를 활용한 고객데이터플랫폼(CDP) 구축 방법
모바일 성과 측정 툴을 활용한 최적의 CDP 구축 방법을 소개합니다.
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Conference / Tradeshow
AI로 하는 모바일 앱 광고 성과 측정
프라이버시 강화 시대, AI를 통한 새로운 데이터 마케팅 상을 제시합니다.
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Bridging the Gap: Leveraging gaming expertise for cross-industry fraud prevention
Learn how fraudsters adapt to the most advanced protection measures.
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AF Indonesia Webinar Collection
Saksikan webinar eksklusif AppsFlyer Indonesia kami untuk mendalami platform AppsFlyer, gerbang Anda untuk menguasai pemasaran mobile. Dalam sesi yang...
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Go for Gold: Prepare for the 2024 Games in Paris
2024 Games to be held in Paris, impacts mobile marketing.
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경기 침체기 속 성과 극대화를 위한 리마케팅 전략
리마케팅에 대한 성공 사례와 인사이트를 공유합니다.
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앱잘알 클래스: 앱스플라이어 잘 쓰는 법 알려주기
앱스플라이어를 충분히 활용하여 캠페인 측정을 고도화하는 법
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Рекламный фрод: маневрируем в мире мобильного трафика
Во втором полугодии 2022 фрод на iOS вырос на 40%, а на Android – на 46%, и этот тренд обещает ...
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E-commerce: готовимся к высокому сезону 2023 - Запись вебинара
Вебинар для мобильных маркетологов в сфере электронной коммерции и ритейла На ве...
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Conference / Tradeshow
마케팅 실무자의 눈으로 본 성공과 실패
야놀자, 카카오엔터테인먼트, 무신사의 마케팅 이야기
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Conference / Tradeshow
원링크 활용 사례를 통해 바라본 최적의 고객 경험 설계 노하우
딥링킹의 종류와 다양한 활용 사례를 통해 고객 경험 설계에 대한 인사이트를 얻으세요!
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Conference / Tradeshow
크리에이티브 분석을 통한 광고 성과 뒤집기
광고 성과에 가장 큰 영향력을 미치는 광고 소재, 어떻게 분석하고 최적화할 수 있을까요?
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마이데이터 시대의 효과적인 금융 앱 마케팅 전략과 실전 사례
신용 정보 승인, 계좌개설, 대출 등 금융 앱이 데이터를 활용해 효과적으로 앱 마케팅을 펼치는 방법에 대해 살펴...
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