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Read moreAppsFlyer recommends discussing this topic with the advertiser’s legal team to understand what’s required from the advertiser’s company. In addition, discussing possible impact with your Google representative may provide great insights towards the best decision for the company.
Advertisers using a consent management platform (CMP) may also discuss this with their CMP. The most common solution is usually based on IP detection of the end user, but other considerations may be required.
Google requires AppsFlyer to send consent information for ANY event sent to them via AppsFlyer. Hence, AppsFlyer recommends sending the most updated consent information with each and every event. In the future, AppsFlyer may enrich Inapp events (when missing consent info) with consent info that was previously captured during the install or a more recent session, but this feature is not available yet.
Advertisers who are not advertising their Apps with Google in the EU may OPT OUT of sending any consent information by simply enabling the “Non EU Users” toggle within their Google or DV360 integration.
Once enabled, AppsFlyer will always send to Google / DV360 a signal that the user is NOT from the EU/EEA (eea=0).
Please note: it is recommended to discuss and decide on such actions with your legal team to ensure the most appropriate action for your business.
When ad_user_data is declined for an EEA user, Google won’t use the device ID of that user and will not claim attribution for such user (so AppsFlyer won’t be able to attribute this user to Google) nor add him/her to a personalized ads audience. When ad_personalization is declined (while ad_user_data is approved), Google will not add this user to any personalized ads audience yet attribution will still be applicable.
When eea=1 (EEA user):
AppsFlyer SDK “integrates” with any CMP that supports TCF2.2 (most updated TCF version). All those on Google’s certified-CMPs list are using TCF2.2 (it’s mandatory to be a Google certified CMP) but there may be others not listed.
There is no need to register AppsFlyer as a listed vendor within your CMP, but there is also no harm to do so.
Yes. Google doesn’t sync user consent information between Firebase and AppsFlyer sent events, so AppsFlyer still needs the explicit consent information to be passed to AppsFlyer, in order to send it to Google.
EU users who decline to have their data being used by Google for advertising purposes, won’t be claimed for attribution by Google Ads and DV360. This means AppsFlyer won’t be able to attribute them.