AppsFlyer Job Candidates Privacy Notice 

Thank you for considering a position at AppsFlyer!

This Job Candidate Privacy Notice (“Notice”) describes what personal data we – AppsFlyer Ltd. and our affiliates, (“AppsFlyer”, “we”, “our” or “us”) collect and process on our job candidates and applicants (“Candidates” or “you”) with respect to your application and recruitment process, why we collect it and how we use and protect it. It also describes how you may exercise your rights to such data held with us.

We urge you to read this Notice and make sure that you fully understand and agree to it. If you do not agree to this Notice, please avoid providing us with your personal data.

You are not legally required to provide us with any personal data, but without it we will not be able to process your application.

1.     What data do we collect, how do we collect it, and how do we use it?

Throughout the application and recruitment process, you may provide us (or we may otherwise have access to) personal data about you. We may collect this data directly from you, as you provide it voluntarily through your application and candidacy review process, or from other sources such as recruitment agencies, background check services (as applicable and subject to applicable law), or your references.  The data we may collect or receive includes:

  • Identifying data (e.g. first and last name, birthdate)
  • Contact details (email, phone numbers) 
  • Resume/CV information 
  • Educational information (e.g. history, qualifications, skills)
  • Diversity information (e.g. gender, nationality, citizenship,  ethnicity)
  • Application video (if applicable), 
  • Work-related data (e.g.. past and current employment, roles, performance information, salary information – both current and expected) 
  • Health information (e.g. disabilities, special requests)
  • Background Check information from screening agencies or public records (e.g. employment and education history, criminal records (where allowed by law))
  • Publicly available information (e.g. Linkedin, social media activity)
  • Feedback information (e.g. information from references, peers, people you’ve worked with, interviewers) 
  • Other information voluntarily provided during the recruitment process including during interviews (e.g. family information, personal status).
  • Data when you use our websites including the recruitment forms (e.g. Technical Information and Usage Information through cookies or similar technologies). Please visit our Website Privacy Policy for more information. 

We use this data to:

  • assess your skills, qualifications and overall to verify, consider and process your application and candidacy for any of our positions:
  • communicate with you regarding such processes
  • create aggregated statistical or inferred data regarding our Candidates, 
  • further develop and improve of our recruitment processes
  • reach out to you to notify you of promotional information and potential new positions that we believe may be of interest to you. 
  • comply with, any legal or regulatory requirements including in respect of diversity monitoring, and
  • Respond to law enforcement or other valid regulatory requests 
  • conduct any additional activities that may require the use of your data, for which we will request your specific consent in advance. 

We do not make any decisions without human intervention or based solely on automated decision making or profiling. 

The legal basis for which we use your data is our legitimate interest in managing an effective and efficient recruitment process. 

Where we have entered into a contract with you or are working towards such contract the legal basis we may rely on in connection with any processing of personal data under such contract is performance of our obligations under such contract. 

Where we are required to act in accordance with our legal obligations the legal basis will be to comply with such legal obligations. 

Where we have requested your consent to process your data for a specific purpose then the legal basis shall be consent which you may withdraw at any time by contacting us as described below. 

2.     Where do we store your data ?

AppsFlyer operates globally and as such we may transfer or store your personal data in countries other than the country in which you are from.  If personal data is transferred for any candidates that reside in the European Economic Area to countries that are not deemed adequate by the European Commission, then AppsFlyer will ensure appropriate safeguards are in place such as standard contractual clauses. 

3.     For how long may we keep your data? 

We may retain your data even after the applied position has been filled or closed for such period of time that, subject to applicable laws, will allow us to:

  • re-consider you for other positions and opportunities at AppsFlyer;
  • use your personal data as reference for future applications you may submit; 
  • in the event you are hired, for additional employment and business purposes related to your work; and 
  • comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, enforce our agreements or otherwise protect our legitimate interests.

4.     How will we secure your data?

AppsFlyer has implemented security measures designed to protect the personal data of our Candidates, including physical, procedural, and electronic measures. We also regularly seek new ways and tools for further enhancing the security of our services and the integrity of the personal data that we hold. Please note however, that regardless of the measures we take and the efforts we make, we cannot and do not guarantee the absolute protection and security of any personal data stored with us, just like the security of any data stored online cannot be guaranteed.

5.     Who will have access to your data?

AppsFlyer does not sell your personal data to any third party but may, in limited circumstances, share your personal data with the following select third parties to facilitate our processing of your data for the purposes specified above:

  • Subsidiary and AppsFlyer group companies – AppsFlyer may share your data with other subsidiaries within the AppsFlyer group of companies to manage the recruitment process and process your recruitment information (including to any merged company in the case of a merger or acquisition). 
  • Service Providers – AppsFlyer may share your data with a number of selected service providers whose services and solutions complement, facilitate and enhance our own. These include any local recruitment firms that have referred you to us (or vice versa), candidate evaluation centers, background check providers, recruitment software providers, video recruitment service providers, cyber security services, and if needed our business, legal, compliance and financial advisors. These service providers receive limited access to our Candidates’ personal data and may only use it for designated purposes. Job Candidate information is never sold, used for targeted advertising, or ‘shared’ as defined under the CPRA.
  • Legal obligations – AppsFlyer may disclose or otherwise allow access to any Candidates’ personal data pursuant to a legal order, such as a subpoena, search warrant or court order, or in compliance with applicable laws, with or without notice to you, if we have a good faith belief that we are legally required to do so, or that disclosure is appropriate in connection with efforts to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding actual or suspected illegal activity, fraud or other wrongdoing.

6.     How can you exercise your Candidate privacy rights?

If you wish to exercise your rights under applicable law to request access to your data, to correct it, to delete it or to port it, or to object to its processing, or to exercise any similar rights afforded to data subjects under the laws that apply to you – please send us an e-mail to If we cannot accommodate your request, for legal or regulatory requirements, we will inform you of the reasons why, subject to any legal or regulatory restrictions.

7.     Will this Notice be updated?

We may update this Notice to reflect changes in our privacy practices. If we make any changes that we deem as “material”, we will update this page prior to the change becoming effective.  We encourage you to review this policy from time to time.

8.     Questions?

If you have any comments or questions regarding this Notice, our data practices or your privacy, or if you have any concerns regarding your personal data held with us, or if you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is being processed by AppsFlyer, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at 

AppsFlyer has designated AppsFlyer Germany GmbH as its representative in the European Union for data protection matters, pursuant to Article 27 of the GDPR, and only on matters related to the processing of personal data. To make such an inquiry, please contact (or AppsFlyer Germany GmbH, Schönhauser Allee 180, 10119 Berlin, Germany). If you are a GDPR-protected individual, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

 Last updated: May 2024