Experience AppsFlyer for yourself
See how easy it is to set up, customize, and analyze deep links with OneLink. Take an interactive tour right inside AppsFlyer’s platform.
Better experiences are the key to better marketing. Discover how our customer experience and engagement suite lets you create exceptional experiences that convert across channels and operating systems.
See how easy it is to set up, customize, and analyze deep links with OneLink. Take an interactive tour right inside AppsFlyer’s platform.
Smooth end user experiences have a direct impact on revenue, loyalty, and LTV. That’s why we developed our suite of engagement tools that let you create exceptional experiences and deliver 2-5X more conversions for true return on experience (ROX).
Your customers interact with your brand across numerous online and offline touchpoints. Our engagement suite allows you to create, manage, and measure mobile marketing campaigns across every major channel, including email, social media, mobile web, QR codes, and more.
Owned media has always been instrumental for customer acquisition and remarketing, and as the industry continues to change it’s becoming even more important. Running owned media campaigns with our engagement suite enables you to ensure user privacy and security while supporting your growth goals.
OneLink, our deep linking technology, automatically sends the user either directly to the chosen in-app content, or to download the app in the right app store.
We have a few resources ready-made for you. For some in-depth reading, take a look at Deep linking 101.
You can head over to our Developer Hub or learn more about deep linking in Everything a developer needs to know about deep linking.
Yes, our OneLink technology understands where to direct a user regardless of whether an app is installed or not. If the app is not installed, deferred deep linking occurs: users are directed to the right app store, after which they are routed to the desired in-app content.
Yes, otherwise you’ll still have to create links for each platform. OneLink leverages Apple and Android’s deep linking mechanisms (iOS Universal Links and Android App Links, respectively), allowing you to create a single link that automatically determines the best way to route your users so that they always arrive at their destination regardless of channel, platform, or OS.
Yes! You start using deep linking today, along with attribution and other core capabilities. Check out of our “Zero budget marketing plan” for more info.
Our deep links contain rich attribution data about user journeys including what campaign they came from, who referred them, what content they saw when clicking on the link, and more. This contextual information helps you deliver a smooth, relevant experience from the click to when the app is opened.
AppsFlyer provides a step-by-step migration process that ensures a seamless transition from FDL to AppsFlyer. Migration time varies by account and depends on factors like team involvement, link volume, configurations, and whether a developer is needed.
For more information check out this article.