
Connect all of your data with ease

Our APIs and raw data solutions help you sync your attribution and marketing analytics data to any destination, in real time
Raw data and APIs solutions by AppsFlyer

Comprehensive and secure access to your most important asset, your data

Raw data & APIs by AppsFlyer: Cloud storage

Store all of your data in the cloud

Get comprehensive raw data reports sent directly to your preferred cloud storage solution securely and easily, while making sure it’s immediately available 24/7.

Raw data & APIs by AppsFlyer: Sync raw and aggregated data

Sync raw and aggregate data directly into your BI using our APIs

Sync all of your attribution and marketing analytics data with your internal BI platforms on-demand for rapid optimization, or in bulk for in-depth analysis, while choosing between raw and aggregate data output for additional customizability.

Raw data & APIs: Data export

Export your data and customize it

Access your data controlling the structure and scope of your reports by filtering the exact data points you require. Generate multiple reports at once, and export them whenever you need—ensuring you always have the insights that matter most.

Don’t just take our word for it

huuuge casino success story - OG
Hours saved each year
Increase in Day 1 ARPU
Growth in US-based iOS installs
“The ability to customize exactly the type of data we need with multiple KPIs, provides us a full 360-view at the click of a button. Our team can get all the specific insights they need, instantly, and in one place.”
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Increase in video engagement
Increase in ROAS
“With Premium inventory sources like direct Apps & OEM’s, we made sure that deeper funnel events (30 days video view percentage, etc.) were optimized and the client’s overall ROI was maintained. We ran the campaign on targeted audiences only and acquired interested users with the help of historic data. Hence, we managed to lift up the in-app postback events as per the client KPIs.”
Reduction in CPI across Android and iOS
Increase in budget allocation efficiency
“It’s all about data at the end of the day. There’s no other tool that aggregates and measures the data the way AppsFlyer does. Consolidating, comparing and being creative with the data helped our marketing teams come together to learn and rethink our marketing strategy across all channels and devices.”

What you can do with our APIs and raw data solutions

Create advanced segmentation

Customize reports for the insights you need by configuring attribution, engagement, session, and click data.

Apply your own fractional attribution logic

Leverage your own fractional models with raw data reports that include reporting across the funnel.

Perform advanced fraud analysis

Find fraudulent activity in your app by using raw data reports to identify behavioral patterns and perform usage analysis.

Resolve discrepancies between data platforms

Create alignment between your data from different platforms by relying on our raw data reports as your single source of truth.

Ready to connect all of your data with ease?