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720 results for "App marketing"


Conversion rate (CVR)

How do you calculate a conversion rate? Read about the top factors that impact it and our tips for boost & improvement (+ what mistakes to avoid).


Programmatic TV

Learn all you need to know about Programmatic TV including benefits & disadvantages, differences from addressable TV, and what the future holds.



How does ads.txt work? Learn about its benefits, why it matters, how to create & implement it, and everything you must know on the latest update.


Cost per view (CPV)

What is cost per view and why do you need it? Learn to calculate CPV, how to optimize and increase it, and its differences from CPI, CPM & CPCV.


Dormant users

Why do users become dormant, how do you identify them & how do you win them back? Learn all that plus what does dormant mean for your app?
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