Product news
View campaign details for gbraid based re-engagement attribution on iOS in your AppsFlyer reports and APIs.
Analyzing nearly 1 billion iOS installs in Q1 of 2023 shows that 27% of users consent to share their identifier on both publisher & advertisers sides.
Customer stories
Find out how AppsFlyer’s QR codes, which leverage deep linking technology, helped Albertsons to increase MAU and marketing-driven app traffic.
Reports & guides
We analyzed 22 billion installs to offer an in-depth look at the key trends that shaped 2022, including app install fraud rate benchmarks.
Mobile ad fraud prevention: Discover AppsFlyer’s cutting-edge tactics to stop fraudulent networks using machine learning & clustering methodology.
Use cases
Find out how AppsFlyer’s OneLink helped improved performance results when using it with universal/app links in Meta catalogs for DPA.
We've conducted a data study to identify the value advertisers can drive from making decisions based on predictive insights.
Reports & guides
Deep linking doesn't have to be confusing! Find out all you need to know with this new, comprehensive deep linking guide.
To discuss the latest changes & how to utilize the new capabilities, we chatted with our partners at Liftoff, Google & Snap about all things SKAN 4.0.
We outlined primary changes that Android's Privacy Sandbox will bring. Read how marketers can prepare for shifts in measurement & remarketing.