With the current financial climate, and uncertainty of the advertising industry, the growing focus in 2023 will be increasing reliance on owned media.
With privacy changes, ad creative and upper funnel data are becoming key to mobile advertising success. Read what app marketers need to know.
Customer stories
Find out how FOX increased app installs and engagement by customizing AppsFlyer smart banners to highlight the most relevant content available.
MMP migration can be complex. To address concerns, we debunked popular fears & covered questions to ask your new MMP before getting started.
Oren Kaniel, AppsFlyer CEO, talks about the long-term commitment to customers, partners, and the entire ecosystem to stay independent and unbiased.
Customer stories
AppsFlyer's ability to communicate with SKAN was and remains the main reason for StarBerry to use Predict - find out more inside.
SKAN 4.0 is here! Read and learn all the new options for both ad networks & app developers including new features and how to build your strategy.
In this blog post, we're going to look into the pros and cons of last click vs. impact measurement, and how you could make the most of both.
Customer stories
Discover how Gismart managed to solve the problem of deduplicating downloads and events between SKAN and AppsFlyer attribution with SSOT.
The fast-changing mobile privacy environment keeps evolving. Read the necessary steps on how to break your addiction to user-level data.