Customer stories
Find out how Starzplay tackled fraud by using AppsFlyer’s Protect360 and reduced CPIs by 15%.
Reports & guides
What is Cohort analysis? Learn all you must know about its use cases, main models, and understand how it can help you up your marketing game.
Reports & guides
Read AppsFlyer's complete guide on CTV. Learn about the benefits of connected TV for advertisers, different monetization models & best practices.
Reports & guides
Read AppsFlyer's complete guide on mobile measurement and marketing analytics for subscription apps. Learn about challenges and best practices.
Customer stories
Find out how Papaya Gaming was able to increase its ROI by 114% and decrease CPI by 83% with AppsFlyer Revenue Recommendations feature.
This blog post will clarify everything you need to know about MROI - from its importance to the various ways of measuring it.
What are walled gardens and how they are being used? Learn about the pros and the cons and read about the future of Walled garden in AdTech.
Reports & guides
Working with accurate ROI data is the holy grail for marketers. Read our guide to understand how each component of True ROI is getting achieved.
The implications for targeting, measurement, and attribution have been significant for Google App Campaigns. Learn all you need to know in 2023.
Customer stories
Find out how AppQuantum spotted a $2 million-a-month diamond in the rough with AppsFlyer real-time analytics.