Customer stories
Find out how FE Credit was able to finally centralize data into one place, and improve the user experience on paid and media channels.
What is App Tracking Transparency (ATT), and how does it affect the advertising world? Find out everything you need to know inside.
We gathered the industry's top experts and picked their brains on the most trending mobile marketing topics that every digital marketer has to know.
Reports & guides
What are the new privacy-led re-engagement limitations marketers are facing nowadays, and how can they meet these challenges head on?
Reports & guides
What are the new privacy-led re-engagement limitations marketers are facing nowadays, and how can they meet these challenges head on?
What incentive encourages the existence of fraudulent app installs in organic traffic, and how can you prevent it? Learn more inside.
Customer stories
Find out how by using AppsFlyer Protect360, Real11 was able to cut back investments in underperforming campaigns and fraudulent ad networks.
Find out why a complete app onboarding experience can make the difference between apps with staying power versus those that end up trashed.
As part of our new series of blog posts that focus on SKAdNetwork innovation, this post discusses organic (unattributed) data in the post iOS 14 era.
Customer stories
Dream11 looked for a platform that could attribute installs from multiple sources, platforms, app stores, and channels. Its choice was AppsFlyer.