How do push notifications work and what are they used for? Read about the different types, benefits, performance metrics, best practices, and more.
What is a user flow? Learn how to create it, how a flow chart looks and read about real examples and the best practices you need to know.
Hunker down or double down? Read our blog post to learn the best recession-proof app marketing success strategies.
The world economy is undergoing a recession - Read & learn how to optimize existing funnels, and stream customer experiences to gain advantage.
Customer stories
Find how using AppsFlyer’s Protect360 reduced mobile ad fraud by 89% for KisanKonnect, which also achieved a 2x increase in non-organic growth.
In this blog post, we're going to look into the pros and cons of last click vs. impact measurement, and how you could make the most of both.
Customer stories
Find out how Hyper Hippo has seen a 50% increase in retention by using AppsFlyer’s attribution, engagement, and cost aggregation tools.
What is WAU? Read how to increase your weekly active users, learn the formula to calculate them, and find out the benefits of using this metric.
Reports & guides
Read AppsFlyer's complete guide on CTV. Learn about the benefits of connected TV for advertisers, different monetization models & best practices.
Reports & guides
Read AppsFlyer's complete guide on mobile measurement and marketing analytics for subscription apps. Learn about challenges and best practices.