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197 results for "Mobile fraud"


Cost per action (CPA)

What is CPA, and why is it important to your marketing efforts? Learn everything you need to know in our mobile marketing glossary.


Identifier for advertisers (IDFA)

Learn about the identifier for advertisers that Apple assigns to every iOS device: How it works, recent updates, and the future of a post-IDFA world.


Install referrer

What is install referrer, how does it work, and why is it important to attribution? Read all about it in the AppsFlyer mobile marketing glossary.


SDK spoofing

What is SDK hacking (aka spoofing), how it works, and how can you identify it? Read all about it in the AppsFlyer mobile marketing glossary.


Ad exchange

What is an ad exchange, and how does it work? Learn everything you need to know in the AppsFlyer mobile marketing glossary.
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