Reports & guides
Read AppsFlyer's complete guide on mobile measurement and marketing analytics for subscription apps. Learn about challenges and best practices.
Reports & guides
Read AppsFlyer’s complete guide for mobile measurement and marketing analytics for gaming apps. Learn about the challenges, KPI's and more.
What is the state of ad fraud in iOS since the launch of iOS 14? To answer this question, let's try and make sense of what’s going on.
Customer stories
Learn how Bharat Matrimony used AppsFlyer Protect360 to stay one step ahead of fraud before, during, and after every install and in-app event.
Use cases
Learn how AppsFlyer click signature solution helped Liftoff to easily monitor blocked clicks and have a clear understanding of why they were blocked.
What incentive encourages the existence of fraudulent app installs in organic traffic, and how can you prevent it? Learn more inside.
Customer stories
Find out how by using AppsFlyer Protect360, Real11 was able to cut back investments in underperforming campaigns and fraudulent ad networks.
In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about in-game advertising including the benefits, formats, expert strategies, and more.
Customer stories
AppsFlyer’s fast and reliable data delivery helped the Varo team save significant processing time, allowing it to optimize its acquisition strategy.
Use cases
We've noticed a trend lately: Ad networks claimed that they were being associated with clicks that in fact were not originated from their network.