Experience AppsFlyer for yourself
See how easy it is to set up, customize, and analyze deep links with OneLink. Take an interactive tour right inside AppsFlyer’s platform.
See how easy it is to set up, customize, and analyze deep links with OneLink. Take an interactive tour right inside AppsFlyer’s platform.
Make faster, more informed decisions on how and where to spend your budget with a complete, real-time view of campaign performance. Uncover your ROI and get unmatched insights into user LTV, with measurement across every device and channel.
Reach users with the right message, at the right time, and create personalized, seamless, and measurable journeys. Whether they’re watching TV, on their phone, or in a store, deep links take users right where they need to go in your app.
Stay ahead of every threat — before, during, and after install — and make sure you’re paying for real customers (not bots) with industry-leading fraud detection and protection against ever-evolving risks.
Get customized partner suggestions based on your industry and KPIs, leverage exclusive market data and insights, and seamlessly set up integrations with over 10,000 partners in just one click.
Create advanced segmentation, add your own fractional attribution logic, and resolve discrepancies between platforms. Our robust APIs and raw data solutions sync your data to any destination, in real time.
Tens of thousands of apps big and small choose AppsFlyer as their source of truth for insights into what’s working (and what’s not), to spend their budget smarter, to give users exceptional experiences, and to preserve customer privacy.